Dallas police chief, David Brown has revealed that the Sniper who killed 5
police officers and injured several others in Downtown Dallas on Thursday
night during a ‘Black lives matter’ rally during negotiations with
police said he wasn’t affiliated to any terrorist organizations and his
aim was to kill white policemen because he was angry at the recent
police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
Police confirmed the unnamed man died when a robot detonated an explosive while he was holed up in a local college.
police chief David Brown revealed “We had an exchange of gunfire with
the suspect. We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot.”
police chief David Brown revealed “We had an exchange of gunfire with
the suspect. We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot.”
David Brown has appealed for unity in the wake of the attacks, which
left five police dead and nine wounded – seven of them cops – saying,
“This must stop – this divisiveness between our police and our
David Brown has appealed for unity in the wake of the attacks, which
left five police dead and nine wounded – seven of them cops – saying,
“This must stop – this divisiveness between our police and our
Three suspects are in custody but police say the shooter is dead.