has installed a new sign where a two-year-old boy was dragged to his
death by an alligator, at the Seven Seas Lagoon in the Grand Floridian
Resort & Spa, located in Orlando. This is coming after people
questioned why there was nothing warning guests about the dangerous
reptiles lurking in the lagoon.
has installed a new sign where a two-year-old boy was dragged to his
death by an alligator, at the Seven Seas Lagoon in the Grand Floridian
Resort & Spa, located in Orlando. This is coming after people
questioned why there was nothing warning guests about the dangerous
reptiles lurking in the lagoon.
Hundreds of people condemned Disney’s sign policy in the
wake of the horrifying incident and the firm in charge responded by
announcing a review of their regulations and took immediate action. The
Resort’s staff also erected temporary barriers around the water’s edge.
wake of the horrifying incident and the firm in charge responded by
announcing a review of their regulations and took immediate action. The
Resort’s staff also erected temporary barriers around the water’s edge.