You started pretty well, your statement on the day of your inauguration went viral, it was funny, and it seemed fair and gracious. You said “I’m for
everybody, and I am for nobody”….
Who would have thought that statement we laughed at was going to be real??
That Hardship would be for EVERYBODY and economic liberation would be for NOBODY? It’s saddening sir.– sir, being a Nigerian youth, a student, a child who still eats from his parents, am hurt. Everything
people of my age made use of in this country to make
life easy for us is gone… Let me address these
issues one after the other according to there level of importance.
ยค1. What happened to Mtn night calls? I can’t spend
enough time with my friends on phone anymore
without spending huge amounts of money on
airtime.ยค2. What happened to our Simple server??? Now, we
are students, our schools don’t have wifi, we
manage cheap subscription rates and then it’s all
gone in your tenure??? Why sir??ยค3, sir I can’t even enjoy meals anymore on Sundays
because the stew we eat now lacks tomatoes, we
can endure anything but good food is really
important.ยค4. The price of water increased from #80-#150/bag I
remember trekking and looking for a shop to buy
water, I trekked so long that I thought I had crossed
the border and walked into Benin Republic. Why
sir? Why is everything going down hill sir???– Sir I learnt of your illness, I pray you get well soon
and receive the best treatment, on one condition:
that you reverse all these issues and lift our suffering. If deep down you know you won’t reverse all these afore-mentioned issues, please do me a favor and just DIE IN LONDON.——–
——— yours faithfully
———-a very angry and disappointed Nigerian
Dear Buhari- By angry student
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