It’s so amazing these days how people sit behind keypads to misuse words (the power of social media). This has degraded one-on-one good communication amongst individuals.
Education is a broad word that serves as an umbrella for all day-to-day activities.
Attending the best schools doesn’t guarantee education at its peak inasmuch as moral values isn’t displayed.
I have seen some who called another “thug, sadist, intimidator etc” (the speaker is guilty in most cases). If you ask me, a lot of people tend to use these words and many more as a result of inferiority complex. If you’re so confident in yourself, no human would make you feel less.
Teachers/Tutors/Lecturers only impact. The knowledge you get in classrooms isn’t sufficient. Humans ought to keep learning on daily basis. Don’t be rigid but flexible and always do that which is right even if you won’t get applauded.
Wisdom helps to differentiate your right from wrong.