by Bethie Babalola
421 views 2 mins read

-Evil gets celebrated than good deeds. An ignorant mind would keenly promote evil than good. A good individual is categorised as weakling. (A stone thrown outside most likely would return home).

-Uncultured display of behaviours on social platforms means you’re living a good life and woke. Indirectly saying how you live your life is none of others’ business. ( A lizard with navel is eaten behind closed doors. In other words, actions taken in private remain indoor provided the tongue can be tamed).

-Having many friends (acquaintances in the real sense) and talking to so many people is an achievement (Pretend to be dead to know those that will show up).

-Choosing to celebrate/support strangers while neglecting their very own is the order of the century. (No matter how far a man travels, the stool remains at home)

-Not mingling with people who aren’t like-minded with you and minding your business is termed “pride”. (Avoiding unproductive association)

-Choosing not to utter a word whenever in contact with someone doesn’t signify arrogance but unnecessary initiating unproductive conversations. ( Energy/mindset differs)

-You both were once in good terms but the other party suddenly falls out after series of inconveniences. Some stones are better when left unturned. (Peace of mind is paramount, protect it at all cost)

-Some choose to be alone (not lonely) just because they have priorities in place & having you around could be a huge distraction. (Individual differences cannot be overemphasised)

-Some do not just appreciate talkativeness because it negatively 👎 impact them. There’s no need fitting into the circle. (Be sensitive)

-Lastly, preferences vary. It’s an awkward expectation recruiting people to join you to dislike/hate others. It is more or less like ignorantly digging a grave and calling it a bedroom. (Friend of Friend(s) is a choice; Everyone has got a spec)

Note: Above all, in every of your undertakings, avoid being implicated.

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