Singer Chukie Edozien, popularly known by his stage
name Lynxxx, has responded to questions surrounding his sudden devotion
to Christ. He denied rumours that a near death experience was what
changed his life but rather a special encounter with God. According to
Singer Chukie Edozien, popularly known by his stage
name Lynxxx, has responded to questions surrounding his sudden devotion
to Christ. He denied rumours that a near death experience was what
changed his life but rather a special encounter with God. According to
I come across people everyday that have some many
questions, remarks and comments about my New Life and Journey of Purpose
and i love to hear and see peoples reactions, opinions and the likes
about making a change to live a better / more fulfilling life (in
I cant count how many people have said “u must have had a
near death experience” lol errrr Nah! I was actually sitting on my couch
perfectly fine when i had an encounter with God and he revealed what my
TRUE purpose of existing is and i am sharing that with you all daily!
Light extinguishes darkness, so once i saw the light … It
was a no brainer to say good bye to my old life and old ways…. How
far does “being ur own lord and master get u?” Ill let u tell it
Theres greatness in EVERYONE, u just have to sometimes Dig
into ur soul and the word of God to find yourself! He has the key to ur
destiny in his palm and no matter how u “Search” here “in the world”, u
wld NEVER find it unless u go to HIM! (Its a decision ull never regret)
When you encounter God, u receive power , peace that no man
can ever take from u but ultimately u come alive in truth and in
spirit… No amount of success, money or fame could ever give me that.
Get Plugged in and Come Alive!