Parliament approves draft law on education of special needs

The Draft Law on Education of Individuals with Special Needs, which was discussed in the General Assembly of the Republic was accepted unanimously. Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu expressed his happiness that the law will come to life and stated that there is a lot of work to be done with this law.

In the General Assembly of the Republic, the proposals and proposals from the committees were discussed.

In this framework, firstly, the Report of the Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee on the Youth Department (Establishment, Duties and Working Principles) (Amendment) Draft Law, presented by Özdemir Berova. Then, the article and the whole of the bill were discussed. The bill was passed unanimously.

Then, the Report of the Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee on the Draft Law on the Education of Individuals with Special Needs was presented by the Chairman of the Committee Özdemir Berova.

CTP Deputy Filiz Besim who spoke on the Draft Law on Education of Individuals with Special Needs emphasized the importance of passing the law and emphasized that many institutions and organizations guided the committee while the law was being prepared.

Criticizing that many laws passed by the Parliament are not properly implemented, Besim noted that the implementation of this law is very important and that the by-laws regarding the law should also be passed.

Besim, who also conveyed information about the content of the bill, thanked everyone who contributed to the law.

HP MP Jale Refik Rogers who spoke on the bill also noted that the law is very important, but the work is not finished with the law. “From now on, the implementation leg will be the most important leg,” said Rogers, emphasizing that the by-laws should be passed in order to run the law effectively.

Rogers also stated that she believed that full-time education should start with special education.

UBP Deputy Emrah Yeşilırmak who spoke on the Draft Law on Education of Individuals with Special Needs also touched upon the importance of bringing the law to life.

Emphasizing the importance of sustainable and qualified special education, Yeşilırmak expressed his happiness for being in the committee that prepared the law.

Noting that it is very important to enact the by-laws stipulated in the law and the ministries to work in coordination, Yeşilırmak ended his speech by thanking everyone who contributed to the law.

CTP Deputy Devrim Barçın also took the floor about the bill. Stating that they acted with the understanding of responsible opposition, Barçın stated that they passed the bill unanimously from the committee with a concerted effort, and that they will pass it unanimously in the Parliament today.

UBP Deputy Hakan Dinçyürek also expressed his happiness that the Draft Law on Education of Individuals with Special Needs will become legal.

Minister of education Nazım Çavuşoğlu also expressed his happiness that the law will come to life and stated that there is a lot of work to be done with this law.

Çavuşoğlu counted elements such as equal opportunity in education services, continuity of education, assessment and training according to needs, and access to independent living skills among the provisions of this law.

Stating that while full-time education will be started next year, full-time education will be started in special education, Çavuşoğlu thanked everyone who supported them.

After the speeches, the article and the whole of the bill were discussed. The bill was passed unanimously.

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