TRNC government operates as gang – Fide Kürşat

CTP Deputy Fide Kürşat said that the government became gangs and acted as if they were smuggling goods from the fire. Kürşat also commented on the words of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the recognition of the TRNC; “First, Turkey should get to know us in real terms,” s​​he said.

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Member of Parliament Fide Kürşat made evaluations as a guest of the broadcast on Cyprus Post TV.

Underlining that the government’s abolition of the Famagusta-Iskele-Yeniboğaziçi ordinance was not correct, Kürşat also expressed that the decision was overturned by the Supreme Administrative Court before the local elections were made in order to provide income to someone.

Expressing that the government’s recent actions are to create chaos in a stable manner, CTP Deputy Kürşat said, “As if the problems of the courts were not enough, the actions of the government constitute the agenda of the courts.”

Kürşat also touched upon the issue of unification of municipalities and said that there is a need for reform for municipalities; but she said the government was making a deformity.

Explaining that the process has been operating with impositions and numerical majority since the beginning, Kürşat stated that the government should act in accordance with the law.

Kürşat said, “I think elections will be held with 28 municipalities. CTP is making all its preparations accordingly,” she said.

Expressing that the government was in a gang, Kürşat stated that the government acted as if it was smuggling goods from the fire, and that the ‘devil’ was involved in hasty affairs.

Pointing out that there is talk of mafia in the Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (Kıb-Tek), Kürşat said, “Who appoints the administrators?”

CTP Deputy Fide Kürşat also talked about the agriculture sector and said that the inflation rate in agricultural inputs is around 300 percent.

Pointing out that the fuel used in agricultural production is the most expensive type, Kürşat said, He said that there was no sound from Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dursun Oğuz .

Saying that fertilizer prices have increased in Europe. Kürşat said, “While there was an inflation of 9 percent in Europe, there was a 3-digit inflation in our country.”

Finally, evaluating the words of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Kürşat said, “First, Turkey should get to know us in real terms. If it were already possible to recognize the TRNC, they would have been promoting it for all these years.”

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