Suspect arrested for forklift accident sentenced to prison

25-year-old driver Rıdvan Güzel was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison for colliding with 69-year-old Fatma Taşçı with the forklift she was using at the Citrus Factory in a work accident in Güzelyurt.

Aksun announced the decision of the committee formed by President Fadıl Aksun, Senior Judge Vedia Berkut Barkın and Judge Murat Soytaç, which constitutes the Nicosia Heavy Penal Court.

Aksun touched upon important points in the decision.

President Fadıl Aksun stated that in addition to the defendant’s contribution to the execution of justice, his age, the existence of other dependents, his lack of a criminal record and his contribution to saving Fatma Taşçı, the employer’s faults in preventing the accident were also taken into consideration.

Pointing out that the accident occurred as a result of actions contrary to the laws and principles of occupational health and safety, Judge Aksun emphasized that if these rules and principles were followed, the accident could have been easily prevented.

“It is obvious that production is essential for economic welfare, but production without giving importance to occupational health and safety is disrespectful to labor and disturbs the public conscience.

No material gain can be seen as more valuable than a human life,” said Judge Aksun, adding that it was inevitable that the accused be given a sentence that would bind freedom.

Judge Aksun announced that they sentenced the accused to 3 years and 6 months in prison.

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