Personnel shortage higher in North Cyprus – TRNC Statistics Office

According to the “TRNC Statistics Office”, 16 thousand 101 people work for the public as of August 2022 in the north of the island, which has a population of 382 thousand 230 people. On the other hand, in the Republic of Cyprus with a population of 918,100, 62,369 people serve the public.

For every 23 people in the north of Cyprus; in the south, one civil servant serves every 14 people.

When the situation in question is expressed in numbers, 16 thousand 101 people work in the public sector in the TRNC with a population of 382 thousand 230. This figure corresponds to 4.21 percent of the population.

On the other hand, in the Republic of Cyprus with a population of 918 thousand 100, 62 thousand 369 people serve in the public sector. This figure corresponds to 6.79 percent of the population.

However, despite the fact that the number of personnel needed in the TRNC public sector is 23 thousand 46, the employment of 16 thousand 101 people indicates that there is a personnel shortage of 6 thousand 945.

If the personnel gap is eliminated, 6 percent of the population in the TRNC will become public employees, and the ratio of civil servants in the TRNC with a population of 382 thousand 230 and the Republic of Cyprus with a population of 918 thousand 100 will be almost equal. 

According to Alithia newspaper, the number of public employees in the Republic of Cyprus increased by 1,296 (1.8 percent) in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period of 2021, reaching 72 thousand 432.

Alithia, based on data from the Statistics Office, wrote that the number of civil servants rose to 66,787, and the number of employees in state-controlled companies and enterprises to 5,645.

The newspaper added that the number of civil servants it wrote reached 66,787. 53 thousand 691 worked in government offices, 8 thousand 678 in non-profit institutions and 4 thousand 418 in local governments.

When the data of the Republic of Cyprus Statistical Office in 2021 are analyzed, it is seen that the population of the country is 918 thousand 100.

When the number of municipal employees and employees in state-controlled companies and enterprises is subtracted, the total number of personnel in the public sector is 62,369.

When the aforementioned data are analyzed, it is concluded that 6.79 percent of the population in the south is civil servants. 

The current state of the official population of the TRNC is unknown, but in the statement made by the Statistical Institute to the BRTK in 2019, it was announced that the population was 382 thousand 230.

On the other hand, according to the “Personnel Statistics Actually Working in the Public Service” obtained by Yeniduzen on August 12, 2022, 16,101 people are working as civil servants in the TRNC.

To the figure in question; civil servants, consultants, police, temporary workers, temporary officers and teachers are included.

According to the data stated, the number of personnel needed in the TRNC public sector is 23 thousand 46, there is a personnel shortage of 6 thousand 945.

On the other hand, despite the shortage of personnel, 1788 people seem to be employed by the public, although they do not have a ‘staff’.

Among the mentioned ‘unemployed employment’; There are positions such as consultancy, temporary civil servant and seasonal worker. 

When the data is examined, the most important personnel shortage is the civil servant with 6,169 needs.

While the ‘permanent worker’ staff is in the second place with 1845, the police organization staff is in the third place with 721 missing.

On the other hand, it is seen that 651 personnel are needed in primary education teacher positions.

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