Drunk driver arrested for traffic accident rearraigned in court, victim in critical condition

Afeez John Oyofo, who hit 19-year-old Ozan Polat in Gönyeli, will remain in detention for 7 more days. The police also stated that the suspect has been in the TRNC for 488 days without a residence permit.

The suspect Afeez John Oyofo, who crashed into a pedestrian with his vehicle under the influence of alcohol was arrested and brought before the court.

Police Sergeant Ozan Avcı, who gave sworn testimony in the court, conveyed the facts. On September 8, at 03:20, the police arrived in front of the Kolan Hospital, which was on the road where the suspect was driving.

While he was driving fast and carelessly towards the east with the rental car with the license plate ZMY 147 under the influence of 93mg alcoholic beverages on Atatürk Caddesi in Gönyeli, he explained that he had hit 19-year-old Ozan Polat, a pedestrian in Nicosia, with the front of his vehicle, while he was arguing verbally with unknown people who were taxi customers on the road.

The police stated that following the collision, the pedestrian drifted 40 meters towards the east and fell into the road.

Ozan Polat, who was seriously injured as a result of the accident, was taken to Nicosia by ambulance to the Emergency Service at Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, operated on with the diagnosis of skull fracture and cerebral hemorrhage, and was taken under observation in the Intensive Care Service and that his life was in danger.

The police stated that Polat had a second surgery yesterday due to recurrent cerebral hemorrhage and his condition is critical.

Afeez John Oyofo, the driver of the vehicle with license plate ZMY 147, left the scene of the accident with the vehicle in question, without leaving a name and address. The police stated that he had been arrested.

The police said that there was an estimated damage of 50 thousand TL to the vehicle with license plate ZMY 147. The police said that it was necessary to investigate and confirm whether the suspect was driving the vehicle.

The police stated that the investigation has just started, there are statements to be taken and camera footage to be examined.

The police also stated that it will be investigated whether the driver himself drove the vehicle at the time of the accident, and that the suspect did not make any voluntary statements on this matter, but only made a statement that he had driven the vehicle himself.

The police also stated that they determined that the suspect did not have a driver’s license.

The police also said that there was information that 3 unknown persons who were arguing with Ozan Polat on the road at the time of the accident were also black.

The police noted that there were doubts about whether the incident was a traffic accident or that this incident could have occurred by pushing the pedestrian Ozan Polat in front of the suspect’s vehicle, knowingly or unknowingly during this discussion.

The police said that time was needed for the identification of 3 unknown persons who left the scene.

The police stated that the Nigerian suspect came to the TRNC for student registration on March 9, 2021 but has been in the TRNC without a residence permit for a total of 488 days as of May 08, 2021.

Considering that the investigation of the matter is very likely to change in the light of all these facts, the police demanded that the suspect be kept in police custody for 7 days in terms of the safety of the investigation.

Judge Hazal Hacımulla, evaluating the testimony given in his presence, ordered the suspect to be detained for 7 days.

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