Chaos in education is growing everyday – Republican Turkish Party

In the statement made by the CTP, pointing out that the chaos in education is growing day by day, “We will not allow your ignorant practices that complete the education,” it was said.

The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) argued that the chaos in education is growing with each passing day.

In the written statement made by the party, it was said, “We will not allow you to solve education problems with the application of temporary teachers, nor to your unprofessional practices that end education.”

In the statement, the government was accused of unplanned, inconsistent and destroying the understanding of participation, and it was stated that the price of internal fights and incompetence was made by the people.

In the statement of the CTP, it was argued that the government turned its back on teachers, did not listen to the unions, made decisions based on political concerns, employed partisan temporary teachers, did not invest in schools, acted without a plan or program, ignored the efficiency and quality in education, and deepened the inequality of opportunity.

The statement, which said, “The understanding that you see for the people of this country is never acceptable,” “Even though you know very well that you have nothing left to give to the Turkish Cypriot people, you also stay away from the manifestation of the will of the people.”

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