400 different tests decode genetics – Dr. Mahmut Çerkez Ergören

Near East University Hospital’s medical genetic diagnosis laboratory provides services to patients with nearly 400 different genetic tests.

Thanks to the extended test range, the presence of many common and rare genetic diseases can be revealed. In addition, genetic factors underlying recurrent miscarriage and unhealthy baby births can be determined.

In oncology, hematology, cardiology and neurology patients, drug susceptibility tests are also used to ensure the effectiveness of treatment depending on the use of the right drug and appropriate dose.

The new generation methods used in genetic tests at the Near East University Hospital Medical Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory allow results to be obtained within 48 hours.

Stating that genetic diseases and the determination of carriers for these diseases have become one of the most important focus areas of the modern medical world today, experts say that the early diagnosis of hereditary diseases that can be transferred from generation to generation through the genes in our DNA allows experts to intervene early.

Thus, it is stated that the quality of life of individuals can be preserved and it allows healthy generations to come to the world.

Mentioning both the individual and social benefits of genetic tests, Associate Professor of Medical Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory, Dr. Mahmut Çerkez Ergören summarized the following:

“While genetic testing reveals the risk of developing inherited cancers, it also plays a key role in identifying and treating genetically mutated tissues that will lead to cancer.

Since birth, information such as development, growth, intelligence, emotion, and thought are in our DNA. While the babies of the couples who do not have a genetically transmitted disease are born healthy, the babies of the parents who have a genetic disease or carriers continue their lives by struggling with health problems.

Due to the genetic codes possessed, the effects of drugs on the human body can also differ. The same drug and dose used in the treatment of two different people with the same disease may not have the same effect.

With pharmacogenetic tests, the positive, negative and neutral effects of drugs and doses on individuals can be analyzed.

All these genetic tests that can be performed at the Near East University Hospital are of great importance for a healthy society and a healthy future.

Head of Medical Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Çerkez Ergören talked about the importance of genetic testing and the expanding genetic testing range of the Near East University Hospital.

Noting that it is very important for couples to have a carrier test before pregnancy, Assoc. Dr. Ergören said, “Chromosome analyzes are performed from biological materials such as peripheral blood, amniotic fluid, chorionic villus sample (CVS), amniocentesis material, abortion material, skin tissue, bone marrow and solid tumor in our laboratory.”

Emphasizing the importance of genetic screening in recurrent pregnancy losses, infertile couples, amenorrhea and especially in balanced translocation carriers, Assoc. Dr. Ergören stated that the risk is minimized with genetic tests.

Noting that the Near East University Hospital is the only laboratory in the TRNC that performs SMA carrier testing, Assoc. Dr. Ergören said that thanks to genetic tests for Beta Thalassemia, Alpha Thalassemia, cysticfibrosis, hemochromatosis, congenital deafness and Familial Mediterranean Fever, structural and numerical disorders of chromosomes can be determined, and many diseases and syndromes such as mental retardation, learning difficulties, autism and down syndrome can be detected.

Ergören, who also shared the knowledge that despite the rapid progress in the pharmaceutical industry, the treatment success of diseases is below the expected levels, continued as follows:

“In many individuals, the disease shows resistance to treatment despite the use of drugs or patients may be exposed to unwanted side effects of drugs. Studies show genetic differences between individuals as the reason.

Due to genetic differences, the elimination rate and metabolism of drugs vary from person to person. While the same drug and dose used in individuals suffering from the same disease may be insufficient for some, it may have a toxic effect for some individuals.

Assoc. Dr. Ergören said that they can analyze the positive, negative and neutral effects of drugs used in the treatment of neurological, cardiological, hematological diseases and cancer with the pharmacogenetic tests performed in the Medical Genetics Laboratory of the Near East University Hospital.  

Assoc. Dr. Ergören continued:

“By examining the response of individuals to certain drugs with the genetic tests we perform, we help determine the right drug types and doses for them. Thus, we can produce the right drug treatment solutions according to the genes. At the same time, we can predetermine the possibility of the proposed drugs to have a toxic effect on the tissues. In this way, it is possible to protect patients against adverse situations that may occur due to drug use. It is ensured that the appropriate drug for treatment is given in the appropriate dose.

Women with a family history of breast and gynecological cancers are at increased risk of developing these types of cancer. Genetic testing becomes even more important for women of all ages in this group. Changes in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can be detected by genetic testing.”

“Especially in couples undergoing IVF treatment, recurrent miscarriage and unhealthy baby birth may be due to a genetically inherited disease. Genetic tests performed separately for men and women prevent the possibility of miscarriage and provide great benefits in predicting and preventing chromosomal disorders, metabolic and genetic problems that may occur in the baby”.

“The new generation methods used in genetic tests at the Near East University Hospital Medical Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory allow results to be obtained within 48 hours.”

Stating that the Bioinformatics Analysis and Data Interpretation Unit was established within the Near East University Hospital Medical Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory, Assoc. Dr. Ergören says that they are the only disease evaluation center in Northern Cyprus where these analyzes are made and continues as follows;

“Especially for difficult-to-diagnose or clinically complex genetic diseases, we can perform whole-exome/whole-genome sequencing analyzes on a 31 million variant pool with data from more than 650,000 patients. At the same time, we can perform analyzes in our own laboratory using international IVD approved databases for diagnosis and treatment planning of hereditary or acquired cancers.”

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