17-year-old unlicensed driver arrested for traffic accident awaits trial

The 17-year-old suspect HK, who had an accident with the vehicle he was driving without a license in Alayköy on August 27 and injured his brother, was brought to court and secured.

Providing the information that the treatment of the suspect’s younger brother continues, the police noted that there is no life-threatening condition.

Police officer Erkan Tekin conveyed the details of the incident at the court.

The police stated that on August 27, on Kemal Deniz Caddesi in Alayköy, the saloon vehicle with license plate GC 968 under his management lost control of the steering wheel and, as a result of his carelessness, he left the road and hit the garden wall of a house and then the vehicle with license plate SS 062, which was parked in the banquette.

The police said that the suspect, who was stuck in the vehicle after the accident, and the 14-year-old brother of the suspect, Mehmet Badce, who was a passenger in the vehicle, were taken out of the vehicle. 

“He is being treated in the intensive care unit, it is not life-threatening”.

According to the information given by the police at the court, 14-year-old Mehmet Badce, who was injured in the accident, continues treatment in the intensive care unit of Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, his life is not in danger.

In the face of what happened, the police said that the investigation initiated against the suspect had been completed and demanded that the court be gives a guarantee that would deem appropriate.

Evaluating the testimony given in his presence, Judge Hazal Hacımulla ordered the suspect to be bailed pending trial on the condition that he is prohibited from going abroad, presents himself to the police once a week, and that 1 reliable guarantor, a TRNC citizen, signs a personal bail bond worth 150 thousand TL.

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