Valentine Ozigbo dumps PDP, throws weight behind Peter Obi

Valentine Ozigbo, the candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2021 Anambra governorship election, has announced his decision to dump the party and throw his weight behind Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party.

In an appearance on the evening programme ‘The Arise Interview’ programme anchored by Charles Aniagolu on Thursday, August 18, 2022, Mr Ozigbo revealed that his decision to resign from the PDP was based on the need to ensure that at this precarious time in Nigeria’s history a competent and visionary leader was elected to lead Nigeria into the future.

According to the respected business leader, Nigerians have been split into two categories: “those working to sustain the status quo and those uncomfortable with the status quo and want to bring positive change. “I belong to the group that is uncomfortable with the status quo, and we must do what we have to do save this country and set us back on the path of progress,” Ozigbo said.

Ahead of his TV appearance, Mr Ozigbo also released a statement to the Nigerian press, titled “2023: A Watershed Moment for Nigeria”, Ozigbo presented a strong argument for the country to depart from the “old brigade of politicians” and ended with a powerful endorsement of Mr Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party for the upcoming general election.

“There comes a defining moment in the life of any country when all people of good conscience must stand up to be counted. Those times offer no middle ground; you are either on the dark side or on the side of the light,” Ozigbo wrote.

“For Nigeria, 2023 is such a moment. Nigerians will be divided into two classes – those who will work to entrench the forces that have destroyed Nigeria or those warriors of the light who will work to bring justice, equity, and peace to our beloved country. And next year, as we go to the polls to elect a new president, there will be no fences to sit on.”

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