Three injured in Ercan-Iskele Highway auto crash

Three people were injured in a traffic accident that occurred on the Ercan-Iskele Highway on Sunday morning. 

According to Police Press Officer, the accident occurred on the Ercan-Iskele Highway at around 07:00 this morning.

The driver of the vehicle with PZ 789 plate, Rasim Sevindik, 46, Mehmet Emin Balbaros, 59, and Helin Balbaros, 20, who were passengers in the vehicle, were injured.

According to Police Press Officer the accident ocured as a result of Rasim Sevindik carelessness while cruising towards the west.

The driver, who lost control of the steering wheel, first came out from the left of the road and hit the embankment, then entered the 180 cm deep ditch and rolled over on his left side. 

The injured were taken to Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital. 

The police investigation into the incident continues.

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