No Change In Minimum Wage Tax Practice

Although the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Hasan Taçoy, announced at the beginning of August that tax cannot be collected from the minimum wage worker, the minimum wage was taxed this month as well.

There was no change in the tax practice as no steps were taken on the issue, which was first brought to the agenda by the CTP as a ‘law proposal’ and then voiced by the government officials.

CTP Chairman Tufan Erhürman said, “We gave a law proposal, but they did not discuss it. They said, ‘There is no need, we will issue a decree having the force of law, we will not collect taxes from the minimum wage’. Conclusion? Tax was taken from the minimum wage!” he said, reacting to the situation. 

CTP’s Chairman Erhürman, who first brought the issue to the agenda with the proposal of the law, said, “The one who has to live on minimum wage should think, right? What do you care!” he said.

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