General assembly unanimously passes draft law on municipalities reform

“The (Special) Draft Law on the Unification of Municipalities” was accepted by the majority of votes in the General Assembly of the Assembly.

The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Assembly was completed.

“The (Special) Draft Law on the Unification of Municipalities” was accepted by the majority of votes in the General Assembly of the Assembly.

The General Assembly meeting, which convened extraordinarily yesterday morning, ended at around 05:00 this morning after a 17-hour session. At the end of the controversial meeting, the “(Special) Law on the Unification of Municipalities” was accepted by a majority of votes. 

Erhürman: “It’s not a problem anyway, this will end in court”

CTP Chairman Tufan Erhürman, who took the floor in this section, said that they have pointed out the wrong articles since morning, but the errors have not been corrected.

While the articles were read and voted one by one, Erhürman took the floor stating that the definition of municipality was made incorrectly in the second article; Erhürman noted that there are new problems in the changed articles.

Explaining that there is a problem in all matters, Erhürman said, “It’s okay, this will end in court anyway, but you continue to add chaos on top of chaos.”

Expressing that there is a problem in the third article, Erhürman explained that the purpose of the law was also misunderstood. Are you going to raise your hand on this too? Are you making fun of these people with the Assembly?” he asked.

UBP Deputy Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu proposed an amendment to the fourth article stating that the amendment submitted for the fourth article made the existing problem even more intractable. Erhürman said that the municipalities whose legal entities were abolished with the amendment were now undefined, adding that they tried to explain that this would be the case in the morning.

Interior Minister Ziya Öztürkler submitted an amendment proposal for the fifth article. Erhürman also noted that there are logical errors in the fifth article. UBP Deputy Sadık Gardiyanoğlu proposed an amendment to the sixth article.

UBP Deputy Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu proposed an amendment to the seventh article. CTP Chairman Erhürman and HP Deputy Ayşegül Baybars also took the floor and explained that there are mistakes in this article as well.

UBP Deputy Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu proposed an amendment to the 8th article. Erhürman took the podium and noted that the new paragraph added with the amendment was also incorrect.

Interior Minister Ziya Öztürkler took the podium and presented a proposal for an amendment to the 9th article. Erhürman took the podium again and stated that there are problems that change will create.

For the tenth article, Minister of Interior Ziya Öztürkler presented an amendment proposal. Erhürman explained that there were mistakes in this change as well.

Öztürkler also proposed an amendment to the eleventh article. Erhürman also spoke about this amendment and the article, again pointing out the problem with the definition of municipalities whose legal personality was abolished.

The amendment proposals and articles were accepted unanimously. Thus, the third interview began. The entire bill was voted on and passed unanimously.

Postponing the election of the council clerk to the next meeting was also voted and accepted unanimously. Thus, the session of the General Assembly came to an end.

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