Fulfill your promise on tax exemption of minimum wage – Akın Manga tells Minister of Finance

Cyprus Turkish Memur-Sen Chairman Akın Manga noted that they welcome the Minister of Finance Alişan Şan’s fulfillment of the promise he made regarding the tax exemption of the minimum wage within a week, at the meeting with all public sector stakeholder unions.

In its written statement, Manga thanked Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and Finance Minister Alişan Şan for solving the problem with a decree law in the Council of Ministers.

Manga, who stated that they followed the dialogue that Minister Şan maintained with economic and social organizations as soon as he took office, gave the following statements in his statement:

“We care about the continuation of this goodwill and effort in terms of preserving labor peace, and we expect the same sensitivity in eliminating the grievances of those employed with the 47/2010 Immigration Law.

We maintain our belief that the current problems in the public and private sectors will be resolved with the fact-based Fiscal Year 2023 budget.”

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