Anti-UN Protests In DRC: A funeral in Butembo creates tension

People gathered near Butembo's roundabout on July 29 for a vigil. - AFP

A funeral organised for the victims of the anti-MONUSCO protests in the city of Butembo, Northeastern DRC turned into a dispute on Friday. Protesters and authorities did not succeed to reach an agreement on the location of the burial and some protesters took the coffins from the local morgue.

Three UN peacekeepers and seven demonstrators were killed on Tuesday amid violent protests against UN’s force in the region. “We have come to ask MONUSCO to leave, as we have always feared, MONUSCO has used weapons against us, which caused more than 11 victims. We are digging graves for the dignified burial of these victims who were killed by the MONUSCO forces.”, said a protestor in Butembo.

According to the local press, Butembo’s protesters gathered at the city’s roundabout where security services used tear gas to disperse them.

DRC’s ministry for communication said according to an agreement with the UN a progressive et phased withdrawal of MONUSCO should take place by 2024. He added UN already left the eastern province of Tanganyika last June.*

The Butembo victims should be buried at the Kitatumba cemetery on July 30.

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