Perseverance always prevails in Business, says Cyprus Savage entrepreneur award winner Abiola’s Shelf

Abiola Ololade Orekoya

In an exclusive interview with, Abiola’s Shelf, an award winning Nigerian entrepreneur who is based in North Cyprus reveals to us how she started, her challenges, what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and what she looks forward to in the future. See more photos of Abiola’s Shelf here.

Abiola’s Shelf: My full names are Abiola Ololade Orekoya.

Abiola’s Shelf: I named my business Abiola’s Shelf.

Abiola’s Shelf: Actually, I have been on this Island since 2013 and I started my Business ever since I came.

The idea was to come to school in Cyprus for my Masters and do some little business to support myself. Being a master student you know, you don’t have a full time studying.

Abiola’s Shelf: Laughs… actually, I never thought of a name for my business, the initial plan was to just buy and sell, but early last year (2018), the idea came to me like why not name your business so that you can stand out.

The shelf in the name came from me looking around in the room and seeing many shelfs, so I added it to Abiola and that was how the name Abiola’s Shelf came about.

Abiola’s Shelf: I create awareness for my business mainly via social media like Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and through word of mouth. Social media I will say have really helped me alot.

Abiola’s Shelf: There are a lot of entrepreneurs here in Cyprus and the most unique thing about my business is its originality, I sell the most traditional things like herbs and roots. We take a lot of sugar here you know and coming from Africa, Nigeria precisely, there is a way we are brought up, we use Agbo Jedi to regulate our sugar intake.

Abiola’s Shelf: Yes I have, but not because I was annoyed, tired or lazy. They are times you find yourself in a tight corner and there is nothing you can do.

For example, I have other things I am doing aside my business. I work for another person, I manage a company here in Cyprus. So, sometimes I am extremely busy and some customers wants you to attend to them outrightly and them there is nothing I can do than to turn them down or reschedule them, but I always go to extreme to satisfy my customers.

Abiola’s Shelf: My favourite aspect of being an entrepreneur is travelling, I like travelling. Being an entrepreneur has made me to be closer to my family back home. I always travel back home to restock and also see my family.

Abiola’s Shelf: When it comes to business I am almost fearless because I believe if I wake up healthy that means I can do more even if I fail, I can always get up and do better. This belief has kept me going.

Abiola’s Shelf: Being an entrepreneur I will say has been more positive to me than negative. I can’t remember any negative effect of being an entrepreneur. All the way it has been more positive.

Abiola’s Shelf: Being able to to satisfy my customers’ needs and demands I will say has been one of the best moments for me.

Abiola’s Shelf: More plans are on the way. I am trying to expand but first I am currently working to incorporate Abiola’s Shelf.

Abiola’s Shelf: Perseverance. Just keep doing what you know how to do best.

Don’t listen to negative people around you. For example, in 2013 that I came, there where a lot of negativity like you can’t do this, you can’t sell that, nobody will buy this, who is going to buy this from you, don’t bring this kind of thing to the Island because nobody will take it, these are all the negative comments I was getting.

I never listened to their negative comments and at the end my perseverance prevailed.

Abiola’s Shelf: I want to use this opportunity to thank all those who voted for me to win the 2019 Cyprus Savage Entrepreneur Award, without them it wouldn’t have been possible.

I would also want to thank all my customers and potential customers, without you there won’t be Abiola’s Shelf, I love you all.

You can connect with Abiola’s Shelf on

Instagram: Kingab2much
Snapchat: Des_ella
Facebook: Desmom Alice Abiola

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