Time is not a friend to man either
Man is not a friend to time.

We claim to love it, but we are never patient enough to follow its directives
We hast for things we know not
All we desire we crave to have in the now, we plan for it
Giving a specific time for manifestation
 And when disappointed we become pulverized
Forgetting that time respects no man and isn’t tied to one’s timing.

The timing of life differs from one person to another
But the knowledge of knowing when the time presents itself may not be lucid to everyone.

We forget to be conscious of our time and thus we get envious in the glory story of another.

Life is a player in the field
It absorbs those willing to learn from her, out of which they earn tremendous lesson
Today is yours to have and tomorrow another to keep
Rejoice not in the penury of a brother and celebrate not the downfall of a friend
For it takes nothing to transform rags into gold.

Celebrate the days of your life like it was the last to keep
A day calls for everyman
And the seed yields in its own season
The rain falls when it is due for delivery 
Man is announced when his victory song is about to be sang
Why envy another!

Life connects you to people at its own time
But when we rush too hastily, something ghastly happens
Then you run back to the bed of regrets and mourn
Play like a fool to life’s taste on your tongue
Its pains on your skin
Its blisters underneath your feet.

Written by Goodness Ginika Roberts, from Enugu State. A graduate from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University where she studied History and International relations. Reading, writing and meeting people is one of  her passion. The second child amid three siblings.

She can be contacted via
Email:  goodyroberts@gmail.com
Instagram: goody577

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