Woman has sex with 3 underage high school football players

 A woman is facing a long prison sentence after being accused of having a sexual relationship with three high school football players, according to police in California.

On Tuesday, at about 5:30 p.m., the Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) arrested the woman accused of sexually exploiting high school age students in the Mt. Shasta area.

Mary Frances Fletcher, 42, who is also known as Debbie Fletcher, a South County resident, was arrested and booked at the Siskiyou County Jail.

She is charged with unlawful sexual intercourse, and knowingly dissuading a witness or victim of a crime.

Fletcher was booked for the charges and held on $10,000 bail.

The criminal case against Fletcher was launched following complaint originally received from the Mount Shasta Police Department (MSPD).

SCSO investigators initiated an investigation that alleged Fletcher had sexual-related contact with three high school students from Mt. Shasta High School.

The alleged sexual misconduct involved three minor boys and the investigation revealed the offenses occurred in unincorporated areas of Siskiyou County within a period encompassing several weeks prior to the initial report by school officials to the MSPD.

No school employees were involved in the alleged misconduct and school officials, when they became aware there could be inappropriate misconduct associated with the interactions between the suspect and students, promptly notified law enforcement investigators.

Fletcher met the students while working with the football team photographer.

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