Married woman records herself having sex with dog and sends video to her husband

Amanda Leigh McClammy

 A husband who was arrested on a charge of domestic violence, took revenge against his wife by showing police a video of her having sex with the family dog, according to police in Arizona.

The Tempe Police Department said that they have arrested 32-year-old Amanda Leigh McClammy, after she recorded a video of herself having sex with her Black Labrador.

In addition to a charge of domestic violence, McClammy has been charged with one count of bestiality.

According to the criminal complaint, officers were called to the couple’s home on a report of domestic violence. Police officers who arrived at the scene, arrested both McClammy and her husband for domestic violence.

During questioning, the husband showed cellphone video of McClammy having sex with their dog. McClammy admitted to having sex with the dog and sending the video of the attack to her husband’s phone.

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