Company sells sexy lingerie exclusively for men

 A company based in Los Angeles, California, has decided to market a full line of sexy lingerie exclusively for men in order to bridge the gap between the two genders at least in regards to nice underwear.

Menagerie introduced the new era of male intimate wear that combines masculine styling with fabrics traditionally reserved only for the most elegant ladies’ wear.

The brand was created to revolutionize how men feel about their intimate apparel needs.

Menagerie intends to change the way men think about their underwear and how they look in them by providing a unique collection of lingerie exclusively for men.

Menagerie intimates are meant to be shared and enjoyed, exquisite to touch, and they coordinate well with high end men’s formal wear, allowing the opportunity to enjoy the wonderfully intimate feel of finest satin, silk and lace.

The men’s lingerie is also comfortable but beautiful, flattering, and utterly seductive.

The goal with every pair of underwear is to maintain the functionality, fit, feel, and quality all men expect from an underwear brand.

All Menagerie materials are sourced and sewn in Los Angeles, so that the bosses can oversee every stage of the garment production. 

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