Munich Attack: 18 year old killer created fake Facebook page offering Free McDonalds to lure teens to attack scene

The 18-year-old German-Iranian man who opened fire in a crowded Munich
shopping mall and a nearby McDonald’s, killing nine people and wounding
16 others before killing himself, has been named in reports by German
media as Ali David Sonboly.

to reports, Sonboly created a fake
Facebook profile under the alias Selina Akim to entice youngsters to the
centre’s McDonald’s branch, before starting his shooting spree at
around .
During a press conference morning, Munich Police President Hubertus Andrae confirmed the Police force were looking at Ali David Sonboly’s Facebook page.
Police gave a “cautious all clear” early
morning, more than seven hours after the attack began, and brought much
of the city to a standstill as all public transit systems were shut
down amid a massive manhunt. They said a body found near the scene was
that of the shooter and he appeared to have acted alone.

Five of the attacker’s victims are adolescents – sparking fears it was a revenge attack for teens who bullied him.
say the motives of the attacker are still ‘unclear’ at the moment and
it may be connected or unconnected to foreign terror groups like ISIS.
This is the third major act of violence against civilians in Western Europe .
The previous attacks, in the French resort city of Nice and on a train
in Bavaria near the city of Wuerzburg, were claimed by Terrorist group

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